4 in 5 Americans Have Access To New Spending Benefits (Quick Read)

Make more than $12k/yr? Secure your Flex Card now and unlock your monthly spending benefits.

The Rules Have Changed

Doors have opened up for Americans making more than $1k a month. Get access to these spending benefits. If you’re in this income bracket, you can get your $0/mo Health Plan and Flex Card Benefits Today.

How Do You Qualify?

The window to take advantage of this opportunity is closing soon. Thousands have already received their Flex Card, don’t miss out on the chance to apply for yours.

Remember, it costs you nothing to check and only takes a few minutes to see if you qualify.

This free consumer service is helping Americans secure their spending benefits for health expenses. It costs nothing to check if you qualify and there's no obligation, so why not give it a shot?

Step 1) Select your age
Step 2) Answer a few questions
Step 3) Get your benefits

Select Your Age: